The Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Posted by Leos Imports, Sarafina San Miguel on 10th Dec 2020
“No estoy yo aquí que soy tu madre”
This week is especially important to many Catholics around the world, as we recognize the feast days of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego. For those who aren’t familiar with the story of our precious Virgencita, here’s a little background to remind us of her beautiful, powerful significance.
Back in 1531, Juan Diego was an indigenous Aztec and an incredibly humble man who lived in Mexico. On December 9, Juan Diego climbed a hill and he saw a vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe. When she appeared to him she requested a shrine of her to be built on the spot where she appeared. When Juan Diego returned to town he spoke with the Bishop and told him about the shrine. Unfortunately the Bishop was hesitant and didn’t believe Juan Diego at the time. He needed a sign first before building a shrine.
At the time, Juan Diego had a sick uncle and didn’t want to leave his side in search of La Virgen once again. Eventually Juan departed his uncle in order to find a priest to pray over him and found himself on the same hill where he had first seen the vision. On December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to him again. He poured out his worries for his sick uncle to her and she told him not to worry for he is well at this very moment. Since the Bishop didn’t believe Juan Diego’s story the first time without a sign, she told Juan to pick the roses next to him and bring them to the Bishop. It was a miracle in itself that there were even roses budding since the ground on the hill was infertile and covered in frost due to it being Winter. Juan Diego gathered the roses in his tilma, or poncho, and carried them back down to show the Bishop. As Juan Diego dropped the roses from his tilma to show the Bishop everyone was astonished not only by the beautiful roses, but the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared on Juan Diego’s tilma. From that moment on a shrine was built in her honor, which is now the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. The original cloak that holds the image of the Virgencita still stands there on display for all to witness.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is an important symbol not only religiously, but for Mexico’s identity and nationalism as well. So this December as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus, family, miracles, and so much more, let’s also celebrate Nuestra Señora who brings us comfort, strength, and humility.